Player Expectations


  • As a high school team, we will practice regularly and often throughout the season.  Your commitment to the team is required.  Don't miss practice.
  • You will receive a practice and game schedule from your coach that should cover the entire Spring season.
  • The schedule will be followed as closely as possible but you need to be flexible as weather and other factors will make changes necessary.
  • Attendance at practice and games is mandatory.  If you are unable to attend a practice or game, tell the coach, phone the coach, e-mail the coach or leave a message in the athletic office including the reason for your absence.
  • Missing a practice or team function for anything other than a school conflict, church conflict, illness, or family emergency is unexcused.  Work conflicts are not excused.
  • If you don’t attend practice regularly and work hard, expect not to play.  If you are unexcused from practice before a game, expect not to play.

Dress for games and practices

  • No player will be allowed to practice without the proper practice clothes.  All jewelry needs to be removed prior to practice and games.
  • For indoor practices players must have proper shoes for the gym.
  • For outdoor practices players should be prepared for a variety of weather conditions.  Always have long pants, a long sleeve shirt, and a jacket or sweatshirt available for cool conditions.
  • Spikes should be clean each time you practice.  Spikes are not to be worn indoors.
  • Pitchers should have a light jacket or long sleeves to put on after throwing at both indoor and outdoor practices.
  • For games, your uniform and cleats should be clean and properly worn at all times.  If you do not have a JM softball jacket, try to wear a red or black jacket that would be appropriate to wear with your uniform.
  • Since weather can (and will) change quickly, always be prepared for either outdoor or indoor practice and for either cold or warm games.
  • An athletic lock will be made available to you.  Use it to make sure you always have proper clothing and shoes available.  Lock it and avoid storing personal valuables in your locker.


  • Be dressed appropriately (see dress information above).
  • Help with equipment and setup before and after practice.
  • Listen when the coaches are speaking.
  • Work hard and have a positive attitude towards your self, your team mates, your coaches.
  • Hustle everywhere you go and encourage your teammates to do the same.
  • Keep equipment neat and organized.  Use the equipment only as it is intended to be used.
  • Balls not being used should be kept in their buckets and not left laying around where they are likely to be lost.


  • Be dressed appropriately (see dress information above).
  • Be on time.  Better yet, be a little early.
  • Do not leave class until dismissed.  Move quickly and quietly to the locker room and get ready.
  • John Adams players will need a note to get dismissed early from class, ride team bus to JM.
  • Help with the team’s gear and equipment.
  • Handle equipment appropriately at all times.
  • Put your gear in the same spot so you can find it quickly.
  • Hustle!  Run on and off the field.  Move with a purpose in everything you do.
  • Stay alert and involved in the game.  Being in the dugout is game time not break time.
  • Keep your focus on the field and the game that we are playing.  Support the Rockets.
  • Be ready to play at all times.  Reserves run and stay loose each time we take the field.  Help with warm-ups whenever needed.
  • If you disagree with an umpire’s call, keep your opinion to yourself.  Do not argue with an umpire.  No verbal abuse of umpires, opponents, or fans will be tolerated.
  • Go get foul balls and get them returned to the umpire.
  • No dugout visitation with friends or siblings.  You can visit with them after the game is completed.
  • No food or soda in the dugout.  Eat before you come to the field or after the game.  Drinks such as Gatorade, Powerade, and water are beverages that players may have (should have) in the dugout.
  • Keep the dugout and the field area clean at all times.  Always leave the dugout clean for the next team that has to use it.
  • There will be a brief post-game meeting at the end of every game.  Your presence is required.  Never leave a game until dismissed by the coaches.
  • Be quiet and talk in a soft voice on the bus to and from games.  Use the time on the bus before games to focus and prepare.
  • Keep the bus clean.  You are responsible for anything you bring on the bus.  Help clean up the bus when we get back home.