The away game snacks are a favorite of the girls. After a long evening of playing ball on the road, the girls really enjoy a pick me up for the bus on the way home that includes various goodies. We try to always include: a fruit (cutie, banana, go go squeeze), a chip/cracker (goldfish, chips, cheezits), a sweet treat (fruit snacks, rice Krispy, candy), and a drink (Gatorade, juice box, water). Oftentimes you can put it all in a brown paper lunch bag and call it good. You will need to prepare 45 snack bags for each away game The sign up includes spots for 3 people to sign up for each date. This way you can share the responsibility if you'd like. You will need to include your phone number/email on the sign up so you can coordinate who is bringing which snack and how you're going to package it all. Drop off on the day of the away game.