Coaching Philosophy

My coaching purpose is to teach athletes life lessons that encourage and reward responsibility, promote individual commitment, and create loyalty to teammates and school, so all athletes, regardless of ability, experience success and feel they are a better person for having been a part of John Marshall athletics.

~ Coach Sonnabend

Team Values

All John Marshall High School students are guided by a common motto: "Mark of Excellence."  It is our intention to honor the proud history of John Marshall High School in a respectful manner by adopting the three fundamental principles of:



1. Athletes are expected to participate in all practices, meets, and team activities. All absences must be reported to the head coach as soon as possible. 

2. Illness from school, family emergencies, religious events, and academic requirements are considered excused. All other absences are considered unexcused.

3. Athletes totaling two or more unexcused absences may be releasedfrom the team.

4. Injured athletes must report to their primary coach at the start of practice for attendnce purposes. They may then see the athletic trainer and help coaches during practice.

6. Athletes missing a meet due to an unreported absense or unexcused absence may be excused from the team.

Team Guidelines


1. Rochester Public Schools and John Marshall High School rules and regulations concerning student safety will be enforced at all team practices, meets, and events. This includes activities on or off school property such as training runs, hill workouts, and general practices that take place in the community.

2. All practice activities must take place under the direct supervision of a designated coach. Modifying or changing a directed workout is not allowed.

3. Event equipment or training aids must be used in the manner it was designed. Do not modify or physically alter any implement without consent from a coach.

4. Horseplay and goofing off during practices, meets, or other activities will not be accepted. Serious injury can result from even seemingly innocent actions, especially when individuals are sore, fatigued, tired, or focused.

5. Report all safety issues to a coach immediately including personal injuries, equipment issues, and environmental conditions.


1. Show respectful behavior at all times. Profanity, obscene gestures, derogatory comments, and negativity directed at team members, coaches, managers, administrators, school staff members, parents, opponents, service personnel, or anyone else will not be tolerated.

2. Respect the property of others, including personal items, school property, community property, other schools facilities, opponents property, and anything that does not belong to you. This includes team issued uniforms and equipment.

3. Respect the decisions of authority figures, including administrators, school staff members, coaches, opponents, meet officials, parents, and others. Never directly challenge or discuss a decision made by a coach, meet official, or opposing coach.

4. Our coaches determine the placement of athletes in varsity, junior varsity, and middle school competitions.  These decisions are made in the best interest of the athlete and team. Our goal is to identify and place each athlete in a level of competition where they can perform at a high level and contribute to team success. Honor these decisions and discuss personally any questions or concerns you may have with a member of the coaching staff.


1. Your core responsibilities are to family and academics. Do not let track and field interfere with these two areas. If your participation in track and field has a negative effect on your family expectations or classroom responsibilities, please reconsider your participation and return when conditions are more favorable.

2. Attendance in the classroom is expected “all day-every day.”  According to Rochester Public School guidelines, unexcused absences will result in exclusion from the next event. It is the responsibility of the student to clear any truancy questions.

5. You are expected to be on-time for practice and dressed appropriately. Check-in immediately with your primary coach and wait for instructions. Repeated tardies or being unprepared for practice may affect your participation on the team.

6. You must complete the entire workout as directed and then check-out with your primary coach. Leaving practice without being excused will be considered an unexcused absence. Once excused you must leave the practice area and prepare to go home.

7. Any behavior considered detrimental to the team will be discussed directly with the athlete, parent, and head coach. At this time a decision will be made as to what actions will be taken to correct the behavior.

8. Lockers are available for personal use in the team locker room. It is your responsibility to provide a lock and ensure your belongings are safe. Coaches are not responsible for lost or stolen items.

5.  The following songs have been banned from all team activities, including practices, meets, team camps, travel to meets, waiting for a ride home, in any car on school property, while using headphones or ear buds, or even thinking about it during the cross country season;  Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond, YMCA by The Village People, Cotton-Eyed Joe by Red Nex, Cupid Shuffle by Cupid.  Other annoying songs requiring any form of group participation will be added as the occur.