Summer Training (SAQ)
Athletes are strongly encouraged to sign up for SAQ, as this will be part of captain's practice.
Participating in 80% of SAQ works towards lettering for the season
The cost is $55.00, and scholarships are available if needed. See Coach Dahl or one of the Captains.
Sessions begin Monday, June 10, 2024, and conclude Thursday, August 1, 2024 (Monday-Thursday)
Sessions will be held 10:30 AM-12:00 PM.
Sign-up using the QR CODE closes May 31st.
Other Summer Training/Events
We will train with coaches Brian and Mel once per week. Training will be held in the morning before SAQ from 8:00 to 9:30 AM. The dates will be announced on the team webpage in June.
Captains' practices to prepare for tryouts will occur during SAQs and the first two weeks of August. Be sure to watch the website and GroupMe for other dates.
We will be having a team bonding event at Chip Shots before the season begins. Come hang out with your teammates, play pickleball, try out one of the simulators, and have a slice of pizza. Look for sign-up information in the near future. The tentative date for the team bonding is the first week of August