Summer Training (2024)

Summer Training (SAQ)

  • Athletes are strongly encouraged to sign up for SAQ, as this will be part of captain's practice. 

  • Participating in 80% of SAQ works towards lettering for the season

  • The cost is $55.00, and scholarships are available if needed. See Coach Dahl or one of the Captains.

  • Sessions begin Monday, June 10, 2024, and conclude Thursday, August 1, 2024 (Monday-Thursday)

  • Sessions will be held 10:30 AM-12:00 PM. 

  • Sign-up using the QR CODE closes May 31st. 


Other Summer Training/Events 

  • We will train with coaches Brian and Mel once per week. Training will be held in the morning before SAQ from 8:00 to 9:30 AM. The dates will be announced on the team webpage in June. 

  • Captains' practices to prepare for tryouts will occur during SAQs and the first two weeks of August. Be sure to watch the website and GroupMe for other dates.

  • We will be having a team bonding event at Chip Shots before the season begins. Come hang out with your teammates, play pickleball, try out one of the simulators, and have a slice of pizza. Look for sign-up information in the near future. The tentative date for the team bonding is the first week of August