'Want to design, build, and program a 150-lb competition robot from scratch in only 6 weeks? How about run a "small business" financially or hone your graphic arts skills?
FIRST Robotics FRC Team 2530 is for you!
Our team is composed of 9th-12th Grade Students from all 3 Rochester area high schools and 8th Grade Students to learn and apply skills such as:
Business | CAD & Design | Engineering |
Gaming Strategy | Graphic Arts | Leadership |
Programming | Project Management | Testing |
Team 2530 meets all year-round:
- June-Dec Training: Wednesdays (6pm-8pm)
- Jan-May Season: M/W/Th (6pm-9pm), Sat (10am-1pm)
Contact Mr. Steve Mroz & Mr. Tim Alexander for more info.
- T2530 Website <Click Here>
- T2530 Calendar of Events <Click Here>
- Registration: See your H.S. Activities Web Page
(Contact Mr. Mroz & Mr. Alexander PRIOR to registering. Then, complete the registration to be eligible for the 2021-2022 FRC Robotics season).
Coach (stephenmroz@isd535.org)
Phone: 507-358-0844
Coach (tialexander1@isd535.org)
Phone: 507-993-0785
2019-2020 Pre-COVID Team
2019 & 2020 Robots