Spring registration will open Monday, February 19th - Thursday, February 29th!
A copy of your physical needs to be on file in the Athletic/Activities Office PRIOR to the registration date listed or the system will not let you register. You can locate your physical date in Skyward Family Access (under the tab on the left - report cards/portfolio).
If your physical expires before June 15th, an updated copy needs to be submitted to the Athletic/Activities Office NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 28th in order for you to register.
DO NOT WAIT to schedule your physical. A copy of your physical NEEDS to be in our office NO LATER than FEBRUARY 28th in order to register online. If you cannot get in with your regular doctor, see options below!
Email your updated physical to Dakota Hiller in the Athletic/Activities Office at dahiller@rochesterschools.org as a PDF file OR WORD document (attachment) NOT in the body of the email.
If you cannot get in with your regular doctor - see link below to get a physical done!
See the main JM Athletics web page for more information.
Tag(s): Softball