1510 14th Street NW, Rochester, MN 55901
Athletics & Activities Director
Phone: 507-328-5302
Athletics & Activities Office Manager
Phone: 507-328-5330 or dahiller@rochesterschools.org
Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Athletic Trainer
Volleyball, Football, Girls Tennis, Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Cheer, Fall Dance, Girls Swim & Dive
Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Co-ed Wrestling, Dance, Girls Hockey, Boys Hockey, Adaptive Floor Hockey, Boys Swim & Dive, Co-ed Alpine Ski, Gymnastics
Softball, Baseball, Boys Tennis, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Girls Track & Field, Boys Track & Field, Boys Golf, Girls Golf, Adapted Softball
2025 Spring Sports Registration
February 17th-24th
If your sports physical has expired, an updated one needs to be on file in the Activities Office before you can register.
A blank physical form can be found directly below.
Drop off your Physical at JM or email it to Dakota at dahiller@rochesterschools.org
You will NEED to be registered online before you can participate!
Spring Sport Start Date Cost
Softball March 10th $215
Adaptive Softball TBD $185
Track & Field March 10th $215
Baseball March 17th $215
Golf March 17th $215
Boys Tennis March 24th $185
Lacrosse March 31st $215
Are you are looking to get involved in a club or activity?
Take a look at what is offered at John Marshall High School - click here: club/activities hub
Club/Activity Registration Link: CLICK HERE
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION (the Old Free and Reduced Meal Application)
The new Minnesota Law states that all students will receive free lunches this school year (2024-25), if a student would like to qualify for a scholarship to participate in Athletics or Activities at the high school level, parents need to fill out the form in THE LINK BELOW. This needs to be completed every school year starting in July.
Click this link for the scholarship application!
You NEED to take the MSHSL physical form with you. Physical form can be found on this website (bottom of page - Tab FORMS).
Directions for finding physical date in Skyward:
Sign in to your skyward family access and look under the "Report Card & Portfolio". This will be listed with all of the testing results and report cards.
You will need to have a copy of your physical (page 1 and 2) in the Athletic/Activities Office BEFORE you can register online. The system will not let you register without this.
Once you get your physical done, please email it to Dakota Hiller at dahiller@rochesterschools.org. AS a PDF file OR WORD document (attachment) NOT in the body of the email.
Your updated physical needs to be on file in the Athletic/Activities Office at your high school BEFORE you can register online. Physicals need to be current for the ENTIRE Season in order to participate. They cannot expire before November 15th, 2024 for Fall sports participation.
The Physical form to take to the doctor is below and can also be found at the bottom of this website under the tab "forms".
If you would like to watch a Rocket event from convenience of your own home, please use the link below.
Step 1: Click the link
Step 2: Search for Rochester John Marshall High School
Step 3: Click Schedule
Travel Release and Physical
Rochester Public Schools will be moving to using the Go Fan app for purchasing all activities and athletic events passes. Prices are shown below. All schools will also be moving to being cashless at all events as well. You may use a credit/debit card, Apple or Google Pay for purchasing your tickets. You may buy them in advance or at the gate.
Individual Event Ticket Prices
Adults $8.00 (Section Events/Big Nine Invites $10.00)
Students (K-12) $6.00 (Section Events/Big Nine Invites $8.00)
Athletic Event Passes For All Rochester Public Schools
(10) Punch Adult $64.00 (Senior Citizen $48.00)
Student All Year Pass $45.00 (K-12)