The JM Softball program will field three teams: Varsity, JV, and C-Squad. Our program is a competitive high school program, and the competition for playing time will increase with the higher level teams in the program. Playing time will not be equal; but all student athletes are given the opportunity to get better in practice and earn playing time.
The Varsity squad will be determined by competitive try-outs and will be those players the coaching staff feels show the ability, attitude, and work ethic to compete at the highest level in our program. Varsity players will be the top players regardless of grade.
The JV (Junior Varisty) squad will also be determined by competitive try-outs and will be those players the coaching staff feels show the ability, attitude, and worth ethic to compete and develop into varsity players in the future. JV players may include 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th and 7th graders.
The C-squad is our lower level team and will be those 10th, 9th, 8th, and 7th graders that try-out and make our team as determined by the coaching staff. Factors for making the C-Squad include athletes attitude, work ethic, attendance and ability as well as their grade.
The high school athletic department is sensitive to the needs of athletes during the try-out period, and our desire is to see as many students as possible involved in our program. Unfortunately, due to coaching staff sizes, traveling space restrictions, and equipment / uniform numbers we must limit our squad sizes.
Try-outs for all athletes are held the first week of practice and are based on the performance, attitude, attendance of athletes during this time. Participation on summer teams, performance during camps, or other non-school season activities are not part of the try-out evaluation. The head coach and lower level coaches work together on selecting the players for each team. If you have questions on the try-out policies, philosophies, or procedures please discuss them with the head coach or the athletic department.
Attendance at practices, games, and team functions during the season is very important. Practice times will be fluid early in the season -- and athletes need to be available to attend practice when these schedules change. It is especially important for athletes to attend practices, scrimmages, events during the early season try-outs if they expect to make our higher level teams. We will practice during Spring Break -- you can see the Spring Break topic under News/Notes for more details. If you miss practices, players should expect to miss out on playing time. Work, drivers education, family vacation, other non-school activities are not excused absences for practices.